Dundee Road, Stoke-on-Trent ST1 4BS

01782 235711



Welcome to our school

Headteacher Welcome

It is with pleasure that we welcome you to Etruscan Primary School’s website, which will hopefully give you a flavour of our lovely school. Etruscan is a nurturing primary school serving a diverse and dynamic community in Etruria, Stoke on Trent. 

We are proud to be one of the seven primary and special schools which make up the Orchard Community Trust. The trust shares the same ethos and values as ourselves, with children being at the heart of everything we do. Our aim is to give our children a wide range of opportunities and secure the best possible outcomes for them by working in close partnership with our family of schools and with our parents and carers.

At Etruscan we want to serve our community by providing children with a high quality education and a curriculum which is relevant, engaging and aspirational. Through following our school motto of ‘Reach for the Stars’ and our ‘REACH’ values, our children are respectful, enjoy learning, achieve their best, collaborate together and are honest members of the community. We place a strong emphasis on ensuring all of our children are included, supported and challenged so that they can realise their potential and flourish, feeling safe and happy within our caring family.

To ensure our children are ready for the next phase of their education and their lives, it is our responsibility to ensure they are kind, happy, confident and adaptable young people, equipped with good academic skills, well-developed social skills, resilience, high aspirations and a passion for learning.

At Etruscan, children feel valued and parents and carers are welcomed as partners in their children’s education. Together we can ensure that the children achieve their very best. Children only get one chance at their primary education and it is our responsibility to ensure that they become lifelong learners, making the best possible progress from their individual starting points.

We hope that you enjoy exploring our website. If you wish to know more about the school, please look through our prospectus or contact us to arrange a visit. We look forward to welcoming you to our school.

Mr Chris Crook


Mission Statement:
Each day in every way we all strive for excellence in teaching and learning, so we all reach our full potential in a happy, safe, healthy and caring environment.

Within our school and wider community, all pupils and adults are encouraged to demonstrate courtesy, manners and respect for everyone. This framework of positive behaviour is based on the following values:


'Reach for the Stars!'


Please click on this link for more information about the schools in the Orchard Community Trust and the annual report and financial statement. 

Orchard Community Trust Brochure


Keeping your child safe online



Nursery and Reception places for September 2024

If your child was born between 1/9/2020 and 31/8/2021 you can apply for a nursery place for September 2024 by clicking here

Reception forms are also available for September 2024 for children born between 1/9/2019 and 31/8/2020. You can apply for a Reception place by clicking here.

Nursery Application Form 2024/25

Reception Application Form 2024/25