Dundee Road, Stoke-on-Trent ST1 4BS

01782 235711



Pupil Premium

Pupil Premium Statement 


The Pupil Premium is a Government initiative that targets extra money at pupils from disadvantaged backgrounds.This additional funding (Pupil Premium) is provided in order to support these pupils in reaching their potential. Pupil Premium funding is based on children who have registered for a free school meal at any point in the last 6 years, children who are in care or adopted and children whose parents are currently serving in the armed forces.

The government are continuing to allow schools to decide how this money is used to improve pupil achievement, but schools need to demonstrate that they have employed effective strategies using this funding.

At Etruscan Primary School, we have high aspirations and ambitions for all of our children and we believe that no child should be left behind. To this end we have an unwavering focus on the quality of teaching and learning in order to meet the needs of all our pupils. We believe in creating opportunities and increasing the cultural capital of our children through extra-curricular activities and additional classroom or school-wide roles and responsibilities to promote a sense of belonging, pride and self-confidence. We aim to instill an enduring passion for learning in all our pupils by ensuring all pupils have a strong grounding in English and mathematics and a broad base of skills and knowledge acquired across our rich and varied curriculum.

Pupil Premium Policy

Pupil Premium Strategy Etruscan 2021-2023.pdf

Pupil Premium Expenditure and Impact Report 2021-2022

Pupil Premium Expenditure Report and Impact 2020-2021

Pupil Premium Expenditure Plan 2020-2021

Pupil Premium Strategy Etruscan 2021-2023.pdf

Pupil premium Expenditure and Impact Report 22-23 final.docx

Pupil Premium Strategy 2023 - 2026

Pupil Premium Strategy 2024-2025