Dundee Road, Stoke-on-Trent ST1 4BS

01782 235711



School Council

Our School Council is elected each September.  It is run by Miss Grocott. We take a democratic approach to this, with each class from Year1 to Year 6 voting for two children to represent their views and to feedback whole school issues to the class. This is a very important role and the School Council representatives take their responsibilities very seriously. They understand that they can have an impact on change across the school whilst ensuring that their friends are well informed about school issues.

Consultation with pupils and listening to and acting on what they say is very important to us. The School Council serves to represent the views and needs of the children throughout the school. They meet half termly to discuss a range of issues on an agenda and also have the opportunity to discuss any matters which are important to their class in ‘Any Other Business’. The School Council work together to plan our annual anti bullying week. They plan regular fund raising events, raising money to develop the school grounds and also for charities identified by the children as being important to them.

One of the key roles of the School Council is to promote our school values- Respect, Enjoyment, Achievement, Collaboration and Honesty (REACH) and to be excellent role models to the rest of the school at all times.

Autumn 1 - What is the role of the School Council? This half term we create a job description and elect a chair, vice chair and minute taker. 

Autumn 2 - Anti-bullying. This half term we focus on anti bullying. We plan anti bullying week and deliver an assembly.